Episode 49 – Elizabethan England

Last episode, I spent a bit of time on Henry VIII, who was a very important monarch – but I didn’t give him a full episode, he was just shoehorned into the episode on the Reformation spreading to England.  But this time, I’m giving the whole episode to one ruler – Queen Elizabeth the first.  I might need to eventually give Elizabeth the second her own episode too, but I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.   Why am I giving Elizabeth the first her own episode?  I haven’t given that many people their own episode, actually.  8 so far, in fact, before Elizabeth.  Whom, you may ask?  Alexander, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Jesus, Constantine, Charlemagne, Gutenberg, and Luther.  A few other episodes have kind of been about one person, including Homer, Mohammad, and Columbus.  I mean, that’s quite the list, isn’t it?  When you’re asking about who the 10 most important people in western history are, all of these people would be in the discussion.  And so would Queen Elizabeth.  She’s that important.