Episode 45 – Martin Luther and the Reformation

There are occasionally, in the history of the world, those singular moments, an instant in time, when everything changes.  One single action, one quick moment, and then everything after that is altered.  The course of history is changed.  Caesar crossing the Rubicon, the guy in crow’s nest of the Santa Maria shouting ‘Tierra!!’  (Land).  The first gunshot at the battle of Lexington,  the arch-duke of Austria-Hungary being assassinated, John and Paul meeting for the first time in Liverpool.  Those kind of moments, that happen all the time, and in the moment, they seemed like a small, normal, everyday things, but then later, everyone looks back and realizes, ‘wow, that was really significant.’  

This episode, we’re looking at one of those moments.  A small act of rebellion, a simple statement of things that needed to be talked about, that led to a long chain of really significant changes, that literally changed the world.  

Obviously, I’m talking about Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the door in Wittenberg. 

Luther as an Augustinian monk.

A sale of indulgences

Obscure German monk doing a bit of carpentry.  Nothing important.  Nice hair, though.

Martin Luther standing, because he can do no other.

Martin Luther reading in the Wartburg Castle.  

Luther’s wife, Katherina von Bora.