Episode 40 – The Hundred Years’ War

OK, so in my original plan for the flow of the podcast, I wasn’t going to talk about the Hundred Years War, but the more I looked at what was going on in European History, the more I felt like it was worth talking about.  Why?  Well, the hundred years war happened at a crucial time, it was kind of the last thing that happened before the Renaissance spread to England and France and really set the stage for those two countries to have their own Renaissances, and it set the stage for the Reformation to spread to England (though not France), it kind of marked the end of feudalism (kind of) in England and France, and it basically established the boundaries and monarchies of modern England and France.  Plus it had Joan of Arc, the Battle of Agincourt, and the first use of modern artillery in a battle!  Spoiler – the side with the artillery won. 

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Joan of Arc enters Orleans