Episode 38 – The High Renaissance

Ok, here we are.  The High Renaissance.  Lots of great stuff happened during the Renaissance, but there was one particular period, about 35 years, where some of the greatest art in all of human history was made. 

I’ve put pics of all the art here on the website.

Also, I mentioned at the end of the last episode that I was going to talk about Gutenberg in this episode, but this episode was already getting kind of long, even without him, so I’m going to have to move him to a separate episode, after this one.  I mean, he deserves it, even though it gets us out of chronological order a bit.  Kind of. 

Leonardo da Vinci

The Baptism of Christ, by Verrocchio (and da Vinci)

Da Vinci’s The Last Supper. Notice the architectural perspective of the room, the use of light and dark spaces, the way Jesus is subtly but very clearly the focus of the painting, and all the different expressions on the faces of the disciples.

The Vitruvian Man

some painting


The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, by Michelangelo

The Creation of Adam, from the Sistine Chapel

The Pieta, by Michelangelo

3D moveable model of the Pieta:




The School of Athens, by Raphael