Episode 19 – Julius Caesar, and the End of the Roman Republic

OK, here’s an interesting historical tidbit – no one is quite sure where the name Caesar comes from.  Despite Caesar being one of the most famous names of all time, no one knows exactly where it originated.  Hold that thought.  

We’re about to look at one of the most interesting, most famous people in all of history – Julius Caesar.  If you had to choose the 5 most famous people of all time, Caesar might make the list.   He’s that famous.  Why is he interesting?  Look at his resume:  conquered Gaul, became part of the triumvirate that ruled Rome, wrote books and poems, won lots of amazing battles, invaded Britain, conquered Egypt, had an affair and a child with Cleopatra, took over the Roman republic, adopted his nephew who later became the first emperor,  was named dictator for life, then was killed on the Senate floor by his own friends.  Then later he had a play written about him by a guy named Shakespeare.  He was an amazing general, and he also basically destroyed the Roman Republic, and set the stage for the Roman Empire, but he was a very good dictator, as dictators go.  What have you done today?  I went to Kroger and bought dog food, so there’s that.